On David Lynch and the importance of preserving love through our creative works.
On landing in the big city - handsfree and irresponsible of anyone’s pleasure but my own.
What our toddler’s teachings in pop culture have taught me about what’s really important.
Sometimes you have to recognize the rainbow for all its colours and stare down those not visible to the eye.
John Wilson views the mundane in a new metaphoric light and uses his impressions to encourage you to do the same.
Why is our modern (yet oh-so-backward) world preaching the necessity of a village when its only purpose is to come at you with its pitchforks?
My body is a jungle gym; my scar the stomping ground of tiny feet finding their footing in this world.
As soon as we bear, we become irrefutably aware of the fact we’re going to die.
The analogy had been sitting right there, creeping behind my bathroom tiles and along our walls all along.
This time it wasn’t mama moments and chores that kept me from fingering my keyboard with great gusto. This time it was a baby of a different species.
If “letting go” means shedding the unnecessary mental load we carry around our physical appearance, I’m all for it.